Best Hotels Near Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas

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Where should you stay near Thomas and Mack Center in Las Vegas? Use the map widget below or the options we highlighted to choose the place you want to stay based on your needs. There are a few hotels that are really close to the Mack Center while others are little bit further away.

Hotels close to Thomas and Mac Center

Chalet Vegas

$100 per night

Hyatt Place Las Vegas

$149 per night

Best Western McCarran Inn

$129 per night

These three hotels are probably the closest you can find to the Thomas and Mac Center, are they the best ones? Probably not, but they are the closest ones if you just want to be as close as possible.

Use the map widget below to search for more hotels next to Thomas and Mac Center

More about Thomas and Mac Center

The center is located in an area of Vegas called the University district on the east side of the strip and very close to Harry Reid air port. In fact, the Center is actually located in Paradise, which is a different city and NOT really Las Vegas.

There is a region close to the strip that has it’s own jurisdiction and is considered a different governing city called Paradise. Besides the Mac Center there are a few other cool tourist attractions around that area worth seeing like:

  • Allegiant Stadium
  • T Mobile Arena
  • The University of Nevada and more